
Monday, November 14, 2005

hello there....

My first blogging effort was an disaster....forgot my username , my password and new post possible.....well....nothing is lost....I learn....(could help to learn from others' mistakes than my own....too dear!)

Well, the weekend has passed...and peacefully I must say...though we had lectures on saturday and sunday..but thats cool...I enjoyed them....especially the TQM ones.....

I must reiterate what I mentioned in my previous blog that noone got to read...:) I am....Inspired by anand his blog...liked it...thought i should write too....Thanks anand!

I made a presentation on Canon on Saturday....(at 8 in the morning...which implies that I had to wake up at seven in this $%^@#&* freezing is too much to handle for us chennaiites you know)

Interesting stuff this industry analysis is! (Ok....with due apologies to all those who are barring there teeth and shaking their fists at me now)....I am learning..though at a slow pace...I am still learning....and after one and a half years here...I feel I have grown....grown in terms of the mindware I possess....For one who had no clue about options, inbound logistics or Integrated Marketing Communication, I can now talk at length (to the extent that someone asks me to shut up!)....Its ultimately about the pride of knowledge.....The feeling that "I know"....its a good feeling...I am sure everyone who has been here at some point felt that pride....Its not vanity and so what if it is?No matter how much I crib, I enjoy every little bit of what I learn...adding to my database... I learnt that CavinKare is into 17 different products..most of which I have no clue about (though it is a Chennai based company and I have been a Chennai-vasi for almost 10 years!)... I also learnt that Ryuzaburo Kaku was the president of Canon and he died in 2001 when he was 75 years old....How might that benefit me you may ask.....but it gives me a feeling of knowing something ....something that I would like to share with others....though it might not excite them as much as it excites me.....thats all i have to say for today or tonight should i say...and i feel sad when I realise that in 6 months time I would be ending this journey and then I would be devoid of this least I would not be in a position to learn so much....But then hey! Make hay while the sun shines.....:)


Blogger AG said...

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9:06 AM  
Blogger AG said...

So...u go into blogging too! Cool! this a craze or what!? At least among the MBA ppl! Good going...keep blogging! :)

9:07 AM  
Blogger Anant said...

learning is not fun its criminal it should be banned and made a capital offence nobody shud be allowed to have such an unfair advantage least of all people who have the connections, angels and all you know...

10:15 AM  

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