
Sunday, November 20, 2005

Multiple Personality disorder....or is that the only way to order in this world?

Let's begin with defining what MPD is....the WWW defines it as " A dissociative disorder in which two or more distinct conscious personalities alternately prevail in the same person, without any personality being aware of the other". Makes it sound like a really BIIIIGGGG problem .....but on second thoughts it?

I have a cousin who is constrained by various rules and regulations at her house by her dad....sometimes she wishes she had a pair of wings so she could fly alternate personality maybe.....if she knew about MPD, she could break rules and get away with it....blame it all on MPD....she could watch movies day in and day out and claim that the 'other' her was a movie buff...she could wear jeans and sleeveless tops and party all night and claim the 'other' her loves to party, so what could she do.....

At some level, I think even I would like to have multiple personalities.....another me who has the relaxed, don't- carish, not so anxious and the carefree I-dont-give-two-hoots-about-the-world attitude...maybe thats my ideal alternative personality.....It makes me wonder, was this whole concept of MPD chanced upon by some individual who wanted to break the shackles of a stereotype and then give it a name....a nice and medical sounding name...MULTIPLE PERSONALITY DISORDER! I say this because there is no proven case in medical history that claims that MPD exists.....

Well, this could be the panacea to all problems of the individual mind....there would be no wishes left constrained feelings.....everyone could speak their mind and it would not to brushed off as gibberish.....or considered scandalous.....just some food for thought...chew on it....MPD or MPO - Multiple personality Order....Chew on it.....:)....

till the next blog....Ciao....


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