Life at Mumbai......mmmmmmm

When I boarded the flight to Mumbai on 22nd May, I had fear and excitement....two very normal emotions that anybody would feel when starting a new venture. I call it a venture because I think I own what I am going to do and I am going to use my own ideas in due course of time to create new processes and improve the existant ones. Guess its a venture in some sense.....
Landed in Mumbai...fear less and excitement more.....It felt like home...Strange.....
We were made to stay at Taj Land's End...very close to 'Mannat', Shahrukh's house...Sheetal asked me to say hi to him for her.....Well...sorry babe...I was tooooo busy...he he.......Nice place ....lovely food least for the first few days.....Then got kinda bored of it…..Too rich for my taste..;)
The next three days, I blissfully sat through session after session after session of what Citibank was all about …Blissfully, because at some level, I still love listening to lectures…Reminds me of IITM…I miss those days…Whole lot….On the fourth day after a ‘Working Lunch’, we left for Garudhmache…..What it was and where it was…NOONE knew…..We traveled for six hours through very winding roads…Almost had a near death experience (nearly collided into a truck coming in the opposite direction) and reached this place….As I stepped out, I could feel the freshness in the air…I took a deep breathe and took in the beauty of the surroundings…..(Pictures included)…..btw….’Garudmache’ means ‘Garud- Eagle’ and ‘Mache- summit’….fyi….We trekked, played games, rappelled …bonded and made lots of friends……Three of the most amazing days of my life….
Came back to Mumbai and shifted into my own place in Sion….Looking for a home in Mumbai is described as Gory, gruesome and tiring- to- an- extent- that- you- don’t -feel -any –part- of- your- body- anymore process…..My friend and I decided to go through it….and viola!!! We loved the third house shown to us and that is where I live now…so much for the tales of war (with the broker), bloodshed and heroism…We were just too adorable I guess…the landlord gave us a fully furnished apartment with everything we could dream of including a microwave and toaster…(Must-have’s)….I just remembered…I forgot the coffee maker…that goes down into my to-do list…..
I travel to office by Auto everyday…and what strikes me most about the ‘City of Dreams’ is its sheer speed. The action, the excitement, the movement…AMAZING!!! Makes even a couch potato like me get up and take notice. No wonder Mumbaikars can’t handle the thought of even visiting a different city, let alone settling there. ….I have settled in too with all the noise …and well on my way to becoming a Mumbaikar for more reasons than one…;)
This entry would be incomplete if I do not make a mention of two of my best friends here…..
Sonia is my flat mate…she is my mumma and saasu ma combined….mumma because, I never have to cook….its all ready by the time I wake up…in fact even packed sometimes….J…love you for that babe….but saasu ma interms of cleaning up….This is a typical ‘dialogue’ between Sonia and me every evening while washing utensils…
Sonia: Ye aise mat kar….
Angel: ??
Sonia: Isko aur ghiso
Angel: !!
Sonia: Arre tu chod…mein kar loongi….
Angel: Huh!!! Ok…..
… she is a total sweetheart……J
Next in line is Saurabh Oooooboweja (As Sonia calls him…I stick to “Ub”)…the cool dude from IIM Cal…Private Banker….They say cute things come in small packages and that is very very true in his case…..I like to think of him as an Atom Bomb….Small…but lethal….ha ha….We can laugh about everything and anything and NOTHING……
All the other guys have joined work too…..Abhijit in Henkel, Dada in Citi Kolkata….(I am sure he has his own adda by now!)…..Sheetal and Sid are in Mumbai for their ICICI Bank induction….Mayuri is in Genpact…..
That’s the haps as of now…I love my work and love my life here…
Until next time……
hey... i'm so sorry to be doing this... but i desperately need to know how much rent you are paying for that house of yours in sion. desperately desperately need to know. reply at i kinda think my broker is overcharging.... dats all. do help me out.
p.s.... i kinda felt jealous reading your blog... how fluid and easy flowing are your writings. keep up da good work.... :)
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