
Monday, February 13, 2006

HOPE- the driving Force!

As I was going for my evening walk the other day, gulping down bursts of fresh air ...drinking in the beauty of the surroundings here at IIT Madras....I notice several to use a more appropriate word) ...not-so-thin people walking by....they smile at me ..a faint smile of recognition, or maybe a smile of ridicule(Coz I am not-so-fat) or a smile of "I GIVE-UP" ...I have been going for these walks for the past one and a half years and some of the faces are kinda familiar...the heavily built man, walking as if his clothes were on fire....The plump lady with her baby in the pram....(the baby invariably always has a grouchy look on its face...Why ME??? wonders)...the old guys walking by rather strolling by talking about politics, and sometimes, even babes :) .....But there is one underlying theme...NONE OF THESE PEOPLE EVER SEEM TO LOSE WEIGHT!!!!!one and a half years of walking and they are as they were one and a half years back......

What gives them the stamina and the grit to keep going....What gives us all the spirit to keep going on despite failures....I am struck with wonder when I see people going on and on and on though their efforts have never borne fruits so far.....but then I guess the answer is TOO obvious ........It lies at the end of Pandora's box........

It was well for Pandora that she opened the box a second time, for the gods, with a sudden impulse of compassion, had concealed among the evil spirits one kindly creature, Hope, whose mission was to heal .......
"Hope sole remain'd within, nor took her flight, Beneath the vessel's verge conceal'd from light." Hesiod (Elton's tr.)
We all hope, at some point of time or the other .....for something or the other...The lonely heart hopes to find its soulmate, the student hope to pass, the beggar hopes to make enough money for two square meals....the not-so-thin people HOPE to become not-so-fat some day.....and it is something that we need to bear in mind always......AT THE BOTTOM OF PANDORA's BOX, THERE WAS HOPE........and there will always be HOPE that drives us all to do whtever we do!
I am off for my walk...until next time....ADIOS AMIGOS......


Blogger me you must be kiddin said...

rt "What are we holding on to SAM", my favorite quote from the lord of the rings.
I just hope to find out wht would motivate me ;-)

5:54 AM  

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