We studied (and we have the proof!)

Hurrayyyy....(I jump around the place) ...my exams are OVER.....(technically) though the quarter is yet to come to an end....but its nice to think that my exams are over!!!! wait...before that let me give you a glimpse of my life one day before the Brand Management exam.....
Date: 29th November 2005
Time: 8:30 pm
Status: Studied for brand management - null, nothing, zip, zero!!!!!Can't feel my arms after two days of filling up 20 odd sheets with strategic management and TQM....ran out the ink completely from two ball point pens!Suffering from a severe cold......
Motivation to study BM - ZZZZzzzzzz!
Arise, awake and move forward....and suddenly, I am this soldier who wants to FIGHT ! fight it out with HLL, P&G and the likes that define brand management.
and so I tell Sheetal (my buddy who you all are well acquainted with by now)...."We are going to study till one, I don't care"...
she gives me a hesitant "hmmmm...".....
We start with Brand Evaluation from a book written by Kapferer...Man! if that guy can make Brand Management this boring...I can imagine if he had written a book on Microeconomics or something! (Could develop alternative uses and users for the book - Cure for Insomaniacs, the perfect book to balance on your head if you want to learn to walk straight...etc.)
And by eleven thirty, we are both drowsy and yawning .....I still am not ready to give up so I tell sheetal " Let's go down to Gurunath for a cup of coffee"......Awaiting response-NONE! and I realise..she has decided to call it a day....I follow suit.....
Luckily, the marketing paper the next day is as general as it can get....and I manage to again fill up 20 odd sheets....
They say...."when one door closes, another opens"....but what if the other one is jammed??
I wonder......
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