
Sunday, September 24, 2006

10 most important things one MUST learn in the Corporate world......

Hellooo people....

Long time no see...well thats life at Citi for you... I work and work and work...and then I HAVE to party and party and party to get over the work.:)
Today, I intend to impart some gyaan to people ....I have learnt and have learnt the hard way.....4 months in the Corporate world and I feel like IIT Madras was heaven...Life rocked....but here....well...the less said the better....

Yesterday I was reading an article in ET which said something about "DEGLAMOURISING" jobs for today's youngsters because they seem to be smitten by the perceived glamour associated with jobs after an MBA. I think that is SO necessary. In fact companies like Genpact etc. have come up with a precursor to the actual Job scene in their respective companies. They take students on a 10 day "Boot Camp" exercise where they show them what the drudgery of routine work is all about. This, they feel would aid in reducing attrition rates also as people who would apply for the job would be the ones who are genuinely interested. I guess it makes sense too.....We, as management graduates enter the corporate world with stars in our eyes....but then the realities hit us and we decide to move on....last I heard, 80% of a batchof 400 odd people from a premier management institute have switched jobs in less than 3 months..... speaks volumes about how important money is to today's generation...These guys get paid good money...let me assure you of that....but then if the job aint good enough, they dont hesitate to bid adieu......Whoever said that this generation is mercenary by nature.....

Let me put forth my views as which I feel (arguably) are the 10 most important things for one to learn in the Corporate world!!!

10. Life in a corporate environment is Mars, while you lived blissfully in Mauritious while pursuing a graduate or a Post graduate degree. No water, no food......just HOPE that some day it would become earth and then we wont feel estranged any more.

9. Your immediate boss is mutating into a Martian, so he/she still has feelings. But the higher up you go you find Aliens whose immediate priority is to ensure that you understand and speak Martian at the earliest...and they delegate this job to your immediate boss.

8. Good work in the first few months is appreciated, but try not to exhude excellence because that is threatening...and entails a lot of peer and boss work being piled up on you.

7. The first TWO years in any organisation is the dirty work. You are a flunky to your Boss who is in turn a flunky to his and so on. And since you are at the bottom of the pyramid, dirt flows from the TOP into your lap. Its what they call the TOP-DOWN approach...:)

6. Appreciate everyone else's work all the time...that is provided if they do good work. This I tell you because, they will then appreciate your work more often and this goes for your boss too. Trust me, at work, appreciation is a major motivator.

5. Visibility is very important. Any new initiative or improvement from your side, make some noise about it.Let everyone know. This again should be after about 3 months in the organisation, because till then you are the baby...and from then on...people start wondering what you have been doing and if you are value for the money that they are paying you.

4. Network with peers and seniors as much as possible. These guys will move within and outside the organisation and knowing them will help you make a strategic move at a later point in time.

3. It is inevitable that you will mutate into a Martian soon and the next fresh B-school graduate who would be reporting to you would appear alien. But try to retain a sense of as -was and as-is. This will help you and him/her in fostering a relationship that would prove helpful in being a batter manager and getting things done.

2. There are times when a peer or a senior is giving you a tough time and you want to lash out at him. DONT even think about it. Alternatively, sit and have a chat with him/her and let him know your feelings, while asking him for advice. It will boost his ego that you are going to him for help and at the same time, he will be able to understand what you are going through.

1. Give it your best shot!!!!

I hope all that I have written makes sense and in case of any queries or issues with this post, please feel free to comment.

Until next time....ALL THE BEST!


Blogger Mahays said...

good one dude , keep posting :)

9:46 PM  
Blogger sp said...

I love point 7...quite true..

10:20 PM  
Blogger sankey said...

nice post :)
succinct and bang on !

8:38 AM  
Blogger Manoj said...

cool coool coooool..... good luck for ur "so-called" strategic moves :D

9:35 AM  
Blogger Sankar Maharajan said...

Hi Angel. Great obervations and thoughts. I feel these thoughts will keep evolving in u as u start working with different people and environment. I can say this as I hav been there and done that :)

Ur writing style is good. Keep it up.

11:15 PM  

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