
Friday, August 24, 2007

Do you mean to be mean or do you not mean it at all?

Today's post is about all those millions of idiots (Read IDIOTS!) who go about saying numerous things that hurt other people and then cover up with ..."Oh! I did not mean it at all" or " arre wo to bolne waali baat hai"... I mean what the hell....

I liked this quote I read somewhere:

Watch your thoughts, for they become words.Watch your words, for they become actions.Watch your actions, for they become habits.Watch your habits, for they become character.Watch your character, for it becomes your destiny.”....

So if someone says something and then adds " Oh I never meant what I said".. thats bull shit...he or she would only say what he or she would have thought of at that point in time...and if you are incapable of managing your thoughts... i.e. you cannot filter out the meaninigful and more sensible items to utter then how the hell do you expect to manage other people who are part of your team....

Managing your thoughts is not something a B-School education can impart to is something that you as a teacher should have imparted to yourself as a student and if you have not managed to do that, then you are a bad teacher.

I seethe with anger as I think about these guys who are so impotent that they use a flimsy excuse like "I did not mean it" to try to get out of a situation. They dont have the guts to face the situation nor the intelligence to apologise. Then there comes the silent phase where they can't face the person they hurt and what I would term as pure cowardice, would be termed as these impotents as 'she- is- so- sensitive-that-she-takes-all-that-I-say-so-seriously'....Dude, maybe you need to realise that you are an important part of the other person's life and every little thing you say makes a difference in their life.

People who get stuck with such jerks as friends or any other relationship need to build a shield of immunity to their inane talk and try to live with it..with the thought firmly etched into their minds....these people are suffering from some need/insecurity in their life and they are trying to cover that up by saying things that may hurt bear with them as you would bear with a lizard on your wall...its there...its harmless... but it gets on your nerves nevertheless.....

I would like to sign off by saying....actually nothing...because I dont want to say something and then say that I did not mean ciao...


Blogger Unknown said...

Hey yo... Hurt bad huh. Somethings are like cancer... you either cut off or live with it... Im not being a smart alec just a line that might help you

1:48 PM  

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