The truth about fences!!

If the preview is this beautiful, wouldn't the actual show be breathtaking????

Those crisp green 100 Re. bills crackle in my ears and I am ready to sell my soul! Money, the creater, the sustainer and the DESTROYER........As I was walking down the road the other day, I saw a young man very able looking, no handicaps at all.....standing at the side of the road and beg....I did not feel pity...anger instead...His limbs were better and more sinewy than mine....he was perfectly capable of performing simple tasks like delivering paper or milk or even selling peanuts on the roadside .....My blood boiled and I walked over to him and asked him why he begged..."It's all for the money, honey"....he said....I was shocked and explained all that he could do instead of stooping down to the level of begging....He smiled an arrogant smile and said...." I make Rs. 30 a day....enough to buy me three square meals....I have no-one to take care rent to pay...People take pity on me and sometimes give me old clothes.....that fat man who just passed by and dropped 50p into my begging bowl did not so much as glance at my face......neither would he ever want made him feel good to give me the made him feel generous....I am actually doing everyone a favour by letting them feel good about themselves...he earns by going to an office...I earn by sitting on the road......!"...It took me quiet a while to digest all that the beggar had first few emotions were that of resentment....what impudence...what impertinence...Why did I even bother????...but then I guess what he said was true....very true....In the end all boils down to money.....Relationships don't count....Love does not count.....and neither do emotions as in the case of me and the beggar.....I know I am sounding an old hag while writing all this and I seem to be painting a very grim picture...but i think this is the universal truth that stares us right in the face from the day we are born.....
Ever wondered why death always picks on life? Don't tell me that its the way its meant to be...I will not buy that....What I am trying to say here is that....Death always goes after life who has no choice but to surrender to death in the end....If death really had some pluck he would pick a bone with someone his own size, someone who can fight back...I thought about this and concluded that DEATH HATH NO DIGNITY!!!
I chanced upon this sitcom the other day! I don't know about all the other guys who have TVs at home and who also have STBs (thus enjoying the previlage of being able to watch all the 100s of great channels), but for us poor IITians who have no access to TV (Even if we do, it is hardly ever possible to catch the good shows), this sitcom is...mmm...not very known!(WOW! that was a looong sentence(with all the brackets and all...)(ha ha!))
Now that F.R.I.E.N.D.S is off the air there are plenty of sitcoms vying for that top 10year 8:30 pm slot.....'JOEY' seems to be doing well there, and as far as I saw (Season-2), its a good show!!!
Now, coming back to the point... I have been watching 'Coupling' too...For those of you who don't's a Brit Sitcom, has three guys and three girls who meet all the time at a pub and drink loads of beer(Now...where have we heard that before?yeah yeah....its the new Central (be)erk...:)).....but I don't enjoy it too much because it's a little too vulgar for my taste...
So as I was browsing through some stuff on my laptop, I chanced upon a few episodes of 'HOW I MET YOUR MOTHER'....first glance at the name, and I thought it had to be some kind of Porn movie (Ok! I am a pervert).....but then I saw that there was 'Season-1, Episode-01' written under the mpeg file and I understood it was a SIT COM!!! I am big fan of sitcoms and so i watched one episode and then another and then another and in sometime I had watched all fifteen episodes of season-1.....well...I seriously see some potential in this one.....has 5 poeple in it...the pic shows 'em all....some fabulous dialogues and acting...kinda feels like a cocktail of FRIENDS, JOEY and a little bit of originality! It's essentially about a guy who is telling his kids about how he met their mother and every episode is a story.....the best thing is the mother has not showed up yet...and I really don't know when she will...It does not matter...the whole thought of a really nice single guy meeting the love of his life keeps the audience hooked.....episode after episode after episode.....
And of-course the review has to be followed by some of my own emotional ranting....watching the sitcom and laughing, just makes me realise how lucky I am to have some great friends here .....we have fun, we have our own stories and some day when I get married, maybe I will be telling my kids about how I met their father .......I am sure all my friends would feature in these stories too!!!
We will be going our ways soon (in 2 months )...joining various organisations and moving on with saddens me...but at the same time there is a gut feeling that we will look out for each other always...even when we are 50, we would still be joking about Dada's gazillion futile trials to find a BABE and how his SOULMATE found him...;)....joke about Sid being obsessed with being obsessed with how FAT I am and so on.....
Bottom Line: Please do watch 'How I met your mother'...I am sure you will LOVE it!!!
P.S. If you are wondering why the last few posts have been centred around movies and sitcoms... I am mutating into a COUCH POTATO!!!!!